miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

This week task, was to look for all of our friends blogs and choose 5 of them. It was very intersting to look other opinions about the topics we have seen, but also how they adopted their blogs to their personality.

1.From Monica Giraldo Castro Blog, and their explanation of Pygmalion effect i really, liked the example and the video.

2.From Maria Mercedes Agudelo, i liked the video of how pygamlion effect is applied in schools.

3.From Daniel Velasquez Isaza, i liked the explanation of cultural dimmensions in business.

4. From Susana Escobar Villegas, i like the pygmalion effect example and concepts.

5. From Maria Camila Jaramillo, i liked the example between Japan and Norway of cultural dimmensions and diferences.

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Hi bloggers my name is Sara I am a student from the University of EAFIT, Colombia.This blog will be an interest experience. It is a fun assignment from my organisations and culture course at the International Business Departament. I will writing about a lot of things and drive you to diferent experiences, ideas, places etc. I hope you enjoy it!